Wales Council of the Blind

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Diabetes Week: 12th - 18th June 2023

Diabetes Week (12th-18th June) is the event which raises awareness of the condition, which can lead to sight loss. This year, Diabetes UK is using the event to call for everyone to have access to the diabetes technology that they are eligible for, no matter who they are or where they live.

Diabetes can affect your eyes in many ways. Some people with the condition can develop diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to sight loss. They are also at a higher risk of developing cataracts and glaucoma. You can find out more about diabetes ad the eye on the Fight for Sight website.

Early detection is the key to successful treatment, so if you have diabetes it is important to attend regular screening appointments, carried out by Diabetic Eye Screening Wales (DESW). This is an all Wales Service designed to detect diabetic retinopathy at an early stage before visual loss occurs, thereby ensuring early treatment and preventing loss of vision in 70-90% of people affected.

To support the 'Diabetes Tech Can't Wait' campaign, and find out more about the condition and the support offered by Diabetes UK, visit their website.