Wales Council of the Blind

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Guide for GP surgeries should improve accessibilty for patients with sensory loss

A new guide for GP surgeries in Wales should make their services more accessible to people with sight and/or hearing loss. 'Best-practice guide for GP surgeries - Supporting people with Sensory Loss' has been produced by RNIB Cymru and Action on Hearing Loss Cymru, and is based on feedback from people with sensory loss.

The guide covers topics such as signage, accessible information and communication. It also reminds GP surgeries of their responsibilities under the 'All Wales Standards for Communication and Information for People with Sensory Loss' which set out the level of service that adults, young people and children with sensory loss should expect when accessing healthcare services in Wales. The two organisations have also produced a shorter toolkit for frontline staff. You can find out more, and download copies of the guide and toolkit on the RNIB Cymru website.

People with sensory loss are reminded that a guide to their healthcare rights is available here.