Wales Council of the Blind


Description: SANE is a leading UK mental health charity. They work to improve quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.


Tel: 020 3805 1790


Category: Third/voluntary Sector

Services Provided

Sane Emotional Support

SANE provides emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends and carers. Their mental health support services are completely confidential. Whatever your problems or concerns, you will receive non-judgemental emotional support. Their professional staff and trained volunteers have specialist mental health knowledge; they can help you consider options for support that address your individual circumstances.

Young Sane

Young SANE is a virtual community that focuses on mental health for people aged under 25. They want to highlight the issues that are particularly relevant to young people and talk about their unique needs. Young SANE also celebrates the ingenuity, passion and dedication of young people who have made a commitment to tackling mental health stigma, and changing mental health for good.